Thursday, May 29, 2008

collection B

selling jellies in black
at $11 mailed

fredflare calculator case $16 SOLD

f21 inspired tunic $20
wear it with vintage belts!

Red cherckered topy$16,nego

(2)sold (0)avaliable

Gold braided headband


Sunday, May 25, 2008

high waisted with side buttoooons all sold

BLACK High waisted side buttoooooonnnns shorts
buttons are functional;
S:UK 6
M:small UK8

selling at $18;very cheap.
stocks are veryveryveryverylimited so grab now!(:
pls mail
if interested!:BBBBB

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

looking post!

if u have this items,

thankyou loveee:B

Thursday, May 8, 2008

collection A

Twistandkiss Cynthia $22
new,retailed at $30

Twistandkiss Enlida
Worn only once,in very gd condition
retailed for $30
selling at only $20

Green checks dress,
new,can wear as layering top,
or wear it by itself

$17 dollarrrrrr
this is still ava,
*my com have some prob
the strike cannot be remove sry
for the inconvienceee:)

thankssssssXox;o lovelove